Look for the "Military veteran" designator in the biographical area of a memorial. |
We need your help in updating our records. We ask that you visit the memorial of your fallen hero(es). If the "Military veteran" designator does not appear on the memorial, please let us know about their service history by clicking the "Update This Memorial" link on their memorial.
As we shared with you last year, veterans of every single war and major conflict the United States was involved in went on to serve - and die - as law enforcement officers. The officers listed here represent all of the fallen heroes from each of these wars/conflicts. We invite you to visit their memorials and honor their service to their countrymen:
Sheriff Robert Maxwell
Greenville County Sheriff's Office, SC
Revolutionary War
Captain John Bird
Texas Rangers
War of 1812
Police Officer Alexander Algeo
New Orleans Police Department
Mexican-American War
Captain John McKinstry
Mattoon Police Department, IL
Civil War, USA, P.O.W.
Guard Supra C. Woodroof
Virginia Department of Corrections
Civil War, CSA
Captain James Meehan
Franklin Police Department, PA
Spanish-American War
City Marshal Albert Suverkrubbe
Fort Calhoun Police Department, NE
Police Officer Wallace Chapman
Philadelphia Police Department
Investigative Aide John McAuliffe
United States Postal Inspection Service
Korean War
Police Officer Joseph Zanella
Verona Police Department, PA
Vietnam War
Police Officer Nick-Tomasito Birco
San Francisco Police Department, CA
Gulf War
Trooper David J. Lane
New York State Police
War on Terror, Iraq & Afghanistan