Friday, November 10, 2017

URGENT REQUEST for No Parole Letters

A cop killer in the state of New York will have a third parole hearing this month after a judge determined that letters requesting that parole be denied sent in by law enforcement officers in the previous two hearings were inappropriate to consider in the case.

More details are available here.

Trooper Emerson Dillon, Jr. of the New York State Police was murdered by John Ruzas in 1974.  Ruzas was on parole at the time and, along with an accomplice, had just committed an armed robbery when Trooper Dillon pulled over the car he was driving in.  Trooper Dillon was 38 years old at the time of his murder and left behind a wife and six children.  Additional incident details are available on ODMP.

ODMP believes that the voice of the law enforcement community should be considered in the case of this parole hearing.

Please send in letters using our No Parole system asking that this cop killer be kept behind bars; personalize your letter if you see fit and send as soon as possible to the address listed:

Letters can also be submitted online here; due to time constraints this may be the best option: